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Become a playtester

Click here to apply to become a volunteer playtester for Scavengers

Do you love testing brand new video games? Are you happy to see games in their earliest state? Do you take satisfaction from helping to balance aspects of play? If you answered "yes" to any of these, you may be perfect for our new playtest programme!

*Note that you will only be selected if your profile fits our requirements.

Who is eligible to sign up?

Playtests are open to people of at least 18 years old, have a stable internet connection with their own hardware that can run the game. For in-house playtests, you need to be able to use any kind of transportation to come into our offices, located in Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

I do not play video games often, should I sign up?

Yes! We need all types of players – from casual to hardcore profiles!

What happens after I sign up?

After you register, your information will be stored in our playtest database for future opportunities. You will receive emails periodically for playtests or surveys you are eligible to participate in.

Is it a job?

It is not! Playtesting is voluntary and punctual. If you are looking for a job opportunities at Scavengers Studio, please visit
